How to Edit Preferences

How to Edit Preferences

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Any changes you make on this screen will effect your entire company's profile in IDS. Only proceed if you know exactly what you are doing.

How to open a Preference Tab
How to edit a preference
Toolbar Buttons
Hide Unhide Toolbar
Hot Keys
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How to Open a Preference Tab

Go to 'File' from the top of the screen and click on 'Preferences'.

New window will open.

This will have all the preferences that you can set up for your account.

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How to Edit a Preference


Any changes you make on this screen will effect your entire company's profile in IDS. Only proceed if you know exactly what you are doing.

To change a preference simply:

  1. tick the box beside the preference you wish to activate.
  2. untick the box beside the preference you wish to deactivate

Then click the "Save" button located in the toolbar

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Toolbar Buttons

Across the top of the Preferences Tab, you will see the following toolbar:

- click to save the changes made on the preferences screen.

- click to cancel the changes made on the preferences screen.

- click to open this page in the Online Manual

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Hide Unhide Toolbar

By default, the toolbar is visible. To hide the toolbar, double click any white part of the toolbar.

If the Toolbar is hidden, it will look like this:

To unhide the toolbar, click on "view", then click on "Show Toolbar"

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Hot Keys

The first thing you must do is hide the toolbar (see above).

To see your hot keys, look at the top left hand side of the screen.

You will see under each drop-down there is a letter that has been underlined.

If you press the "alt" button on your keyboard and one of the above letters, a drop-down will appear.

For example if you press "alt" and "f" at the same time, the File drop-down will appear.

In the dropdown, you see under each option a letter has been underlined.

If you now press one of those keys, you will trigger the function.

For example, if you now press "s", you save your changes.

To be clear, to save your changes you would:

  1. Press "alt" and "f" at the same time.
  2. Then you would press "s"
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