Auto Dispatch Import File

Auto Dispatch Import File

This article will explain how to use Zone Wizard Screen to Import a File for:

  1. Auto-dispatching by Postal Code/Zip. Autodispatching will be executed:

    1. When a shipment has been imported into IDS.

    2. Using the Postal Code/Zip Code found in the shipment’s Pick Up Address.

  2. Postal Code/Zip to Zone/Sub Zone Look Up to Driver/Route Relationship

Table of Contents

Open Zone Wizard
How to import a file
How to manually create a new relationship
Find Relationship
How to edit an existing relationship
How to delete a relationship
How to get help with Zone Wizard
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Open Zone Wizard Screen

Go to 'File' from the top of the screen and click on 'Zone Wizard'.

New window will open.

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How to Import a File

To import a file containing the Relationship between Route/Driver to Zone to Sub Zone To Postal Code route please do the following:

File being imported will need the following format to work.

  1. Must be a CSV file. For example: importfile.csv

  2. To create a CSV file from an Excel Document, please read this article: CSV file In Excel

  3. When viewing the file in Excel, the file will look like this:

    1. The above image shows the following:

      1. Pcode - this column’s field contains the Postal Code or Zip Code

      2. Operation (aka Zone) - this column’s field is the main zone that the Postal Code or Zip Code will be assigned to.

      3. Region (aka sub Zone) - this column’s field is the sub zone that the Postal Code or Zip Code will be assigned to.

      4. IDS Route - this column’s field is the Route/Driver who will be assigned all shipments with the Pick Up Postal Code or Zip Code.

PLEASE NOTE: Please make sure that the CSV file being imported is not open in another application such as Excel.

Once the file, to be imported, has been created, please do the following:

  1. In the “Import Zone to Postal Code/Zip Mapping file” Section located on the bottom of the page:

  2. Click on the “Browse” button

  3. The Window's “Open” Pop Up will appear.

  4. Navigate to your file.

  5. Click to highlight the file you wish to import.

    1. If you cant see your file, ensure that it is a csv file.

  6. Then click on the “Open” button

  7. You will then see you file appear in the “Select File Name:” field

  8. Then click on the “Import” button.

  9. When the import file has been successfully imported, the relationships will appear in the top left hand-side of the screen.

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How to Manually Create a new Relationship

To manually create a new relationship, please do the following:

  1. In the “Selected Zone” section located on the far right hand-side of the screen

  2. Click the “New” button

  3. Type in the name of the Route or Driver, that will receive the auto-dispatched shipment, into the “Route” field. Remember:

    1. This is not required.

    2. This is by the Pick Up Address.

    3. Make sure you type an exact match for the Route/Driver as a new Route/Driver will be created if there is no match.

  4. Type in the Zone into the “Zone” field.

  5. Type in the Subzone (not required), into the “Subzone” field.

  6. Type in the Postal Code or Zip code into the “Postal Code/Zip” field.

  7. Then click on the “Save” button located directly below these fields.

  8. Click on the “Ok” button in the confirmation pop up.


  9. The new relationship has now been saved and can be found in the “Current Zones” section located in the top left handside of the screen.

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Find Relationship

To find an existing relationship, please do the following:

  1. In the top left hand side of the screen

  2. Type into the “Filter” field anything related to the relationship. This could be:

    1. Part of the Driver or Route name.

    2. Part of the Zone name

    3. Part of the Subzone name

    4. Part of the Postal Code or Zip Code

  3. The resulting matches will then appear

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How to Edit an Existing Relationship

To edit an existing relationship, please do the following:

  1. Find the existing relationship in the top left hand side of the screen

    1. If you need help, please refer to the “Find Relationship” section above

  2. Then double click on the relationship such that its details populates the “Selected Zone” section.

  3. Then click the “Edit” button

  4. Make your needed changes.

  5. Then click the “Save” button

  6. Then click on the “Ok” button in the confirmation pop up.


  7. You will see your edited and updated relationship on the left hand side of the screen.

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How to Delete a Relationship

To delete an existing relationship, please do the following:

  1. Find the existing relationship in the top left hand side of the screen

    1. If you need help, please refer to the “Find Relationship” section above

  2. Then double click on the relationship such that its details populates the “Selected Zone” section.

  3. Then click on the “Delete” button

  4. Then click on “Yes” in the pop up box.


  5. Then click on “Ok” in the confirmation pop up.


  6. The relationship will no longer appear in the

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How to get help with Zone Wizard

To access this article from the Zone Wizard page, click on the lightbulb located in the top right hand side of the screen.

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