How to Uninstall IDS Core
How to Uninstall IDS Core
(click to go back to the IDS Mobile tutorial home page)
To uninstall IDS Core from a Windows based computer, please do the following:
In your Windows Taskbar, click on the search icon.
Then type in “Control Panel”
Then select “Control Pane”
In the Control Panel, select “Uninstall a program”
In the list of programs, find and click to highlight “IDS Core”
Then click “uninstall”
Then click “Yes”
You will see the following dialogue pop up on your screen
When the above dialogue box has closed, IDS Core will have been removed from your computer.
For any further assistance, please see the following Microsoft Help Article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/4028054/windows-10-repair-or-remove-programs
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