Staff Shift Rates

Staff Shift Rates

This page covers how to set up driver rates for mileage based shipments.

Table of Contents

How to Open the Shift Rates Tab
How to Create a Shift Rate - Simple
How to Create a Shift Rate - Advanced
How to Assign a Shift Rate to a Customer Account
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How to Open the Shift Rates Tab

To open the Shift Rates Tab, please do the following:

  1. Click on “Staff” in the Menu Bar.

  2. Then click on “Shift Rates”

  3. This will open the “Shift Rates” tab.

Please Note. If you cant see either the “Staff” or the “Shift Rates” options then:

  1. Check with your company’s administrator to ensure your login has a “Role” that allows you to see both. For more information, please read: How to Edit Staff Roles and How to Manage Staff Members

  2. Check with IDS Support to ensure your company has an IDS Route License. How to Contact Support Directly

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How to Create a Shift Rate - Simple

To create a new Simple Shift Rate, please do the following:

  1. Click on the “New Shift Rate” button located in the middle of the screen.

  2. This will create a new blank Shift Rate row located on the bottom of the Shift Rate table located on the left hand side of the screen.

  3. The first thing you will need to do is to name your new shift rate.

  4. To do this double click into the first field located on the far left handside of the row

  5. Then type in a unique name for this shift rate

  6. Then click anywhere outside of that field. This will lock in the name.

  7. If you need to change the name, just repeat steps 4 to 6 above.

  8. Now select the “Start Day” by clicking into the next field. This will be what day of the week this shift starts. If its everyday, just selected “Everyday”.

  9. Then select the “Start Time”. This will be the time of day, for the day of the week you selected in point 8 above, for when this Shift starts. To do this:

    1. Click into the time field

    2. The time field is read from left to right:

      1. The first number is the hour field.

      2. The second number is the minute's field.

      3. The third number is the second's field.

      4. The fourth selection is the AM/PM selection

    3. Click into one of the numbers as defined in point b above. Then

      1. Type a number into the field.

      2. Or use the up/down arrows located on the right hand side of the field

    4. When done, just click outside of the field to lock in the time.

  10. If you need to change the time, just repeat step 9.

  11. Now select the “End Day” by clicking the next field. This will be what day of the week this shift ends. If its everyday, just selected “Everyday”.

  12. Then select the “End Time”. This will be the time of day, for the day of the week you selected in point 11 above, for when this Shift ends. To do this:

    1. Click into the time field

    2. The time field is read from left to right:

      1. The first number is the hour field.

      2. The second number is the minute's field.

      3. The third number is the second's field.

      4. The fourth selection is the AM/PM selection

    3. Click into one of the numbers as defined in point b above. Then

      1. Type a number into the field.

      2. Or use the up/down arrows located on the right hand side of the field

    4. When done, just click out side of the field to lock in the time.

  13. If you need to change the time, just repeat step 12.

  14. Now click into the Formula Section located in the bottom right hand side of the screen.

  15. You can then type in: MILES * [multiplier]

    1. For example, if you pay your drivers 1.20 cents per mile

    2. You would type in: Miles * 1.20

  16. If you are metric, then type: KILOMETRES * [multiplier]

    1. For example, if you pay your drivers 1.20 cents per km

    2. You would type in: KILOMETRES* 1.20


  17. Now its time to test your formula. In the top right hand side section, type in a number into either the Miles or Kilometres field (depending on which formula you wrote above)

  18. Then click on “Test Formula (Click Here)” button located on the top right handside of the screen.

  19. Your will see your result in the “Result” section.

  20. If your result is incorrect, please re-check your formula.

  21. You can now save your work by clicking the “Save” button located in the toolbar

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How to Create a Shift Rate - Advanced

To create more advanced Shift Rates, complete the above.

But when creating a formula you can use the following:

Number: 123.456 or -123.456 or 123.456E10 number with exponent
String: “ABCDEF”

Basic expression: 1 + 2
Assign to a variable: VARIABLE = 1
Variables start with a letter or underscores followed by letters, numbers or underscores.

Variable Expression: VARIABLE + 1
Special Variable RESULT: Assignment to this variable stops all further processing and returns the assigned value.
X = 2
Y = 3
RESULT = X * Y (Returns 6) Processing stops here.
Z = 10 Does not reach here.

Operators: (,),+,-,*,/,^ (Power),%(Modulo)

Relational Operators
Equals ==,
Less Than <
Greater Than >
Less Than Or Equal To <=
Greater Than Or Equal To >=
Not Equal !=

Special String Equals Operator ?= Trims spaces from start and end and ignores case.

Functions: Cos, Sin, Tan, Acos, Asin, Atan, Log10, Log, Sqrt, Round, Min, Max, Floor, Ceiling
Sqrt( 2 ) Square root of 2
Round( X, 2 ) Round X to 2 decimal places
Min( X, Y )
Max( X, Y )

String Functions: ToUpper, ToLower, TrimRight, TrimLeft, TrimStart, TrimEnd, Trim, Contains.

If Conditional Expression then
else (if)

X = 10
Y = 12

if X < Y then
R = 9999
R = 1111

Result = R

Ternary: Conditional Expression ? Value : Value
X < Y ? 9999 : 1111

Boolean Operators: ‘and’, &&
‘or’. ||

if A > B and B < C then
D = 9999
E = 1111


if TRAVELED > 150 then
TOTAL = ( TRAVELED - 150 ) * 11
if TRAVELED > 100 then
TOTAL = TOTAL + ( TRAVELED - 100 ) * 10
if TRAVELED > 50 then
TOTAL = TOTAL + ( TRAVELED - 50 ) * 7

Result = TOTAL + TRAVELED * 5
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How to Assign a Shift Rate to a Customer Account

To assign a Shift Rate to a Customer Account, please do the following:
(you must create your Shift Rates first. For more information, please see above)

  1. In the IDS Core’s main menu, click on Customers, then click on Account Details

  2. This will open up the Customer Accounts Detail Tab.

  3. Once that tab is open, locate the Customer Account you wish to add the Shift Rate to.
    (for more information on how to find a Customer Account, please see this article: How to Manage Customer Accounts

  4. Then double click on the Account.

  5. This will populate the right hand side of the screen with this account’s saved details

  6. Now click on “Staff” button in the “Pricing” section in the Toolbar located across the top of the screen

  7. You will now see the Shift Rates table on the screen

  8. In the “Selected” column, tick the boxes for the Shift Rates you wish to assign to this Customer Account

  9. When done, click on the “Save” button located in the Toolbar

  10. You will now see the confirmation pop up

  11. Click on “Ok”

  12. Your Shift Rates are now saved to this Customer Account

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To unhide the toolbar, click on "view", then click on "Show Toolbar"

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