Shipment List Screen

Shipment List Screen

The following is a breakdown the IDS Mobile’s Trip List screen.

Table of Contents

Top Bar
Shipment Status
New - Read Shipment
Shipment Breakdown
To change the visibility or sort of the shipments (this will bring you to a different article)
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Unless your app has been customized, when you first login to IDS Mobile the screen will look like this:

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Top Bar

Across the top of the Shipment Screen you will see the following:

  1. The User ID that is currently logged in

  2. The number of shipments currently displayed on the Shipment Screen

  3. The current state of the current connection between the app and IDS’s servers

    1. Green means the app is connected to the IDS servers

    2. Red means the app is not connected to the IDS servers

  4. The menu button. For information on IDS Core’s Menu, please see this article: IDS Core's Menu.

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Shipment Status

The Shipment’s status can be seen:

  1. If the shipment is currently in a status of “Dispatched” aka “to be picked up”, there will be a blue vertical line beside the shipment.

  2. If the shipment is currently in a status of “Picked Up” aka “to be delivered ”, there will be an orange vertical line beside the shipment.

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New - Read Shipment

To see if a shipment is new or has been read, please look at the background colour of the shipment’s title bar.

  1. If the shipment is new and has not been read, the background colour of the shipment’s title bar will be yellow.

  2. Once the shipment has been opened in the Shipment’s Detail Screen, its considered to have been read by the driver. The background colour of the shipments title bar will then be grey.

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Shipment Breakdown

Each shipment displayed on the Shipment’s List Screen can be broken down as follows:

  1. The shipment's Service Level is displayed in the top left hand side of the screen.

  2. The shipment's Package Type is displayed to the right of the Service Level.

  3. The shipment’s piece count is displayed to the right of the Package Type.

  4. The shipment’s weight is displayed to the right of the piece count.

  5. The time to the right of the weight is:

    1. the “Ready Time” aka “when the shipment is to be picked up by”, if the shipment is in a status of “Dispatched” and is to be picked up.

    2. the “Due By” time aka “when the shipment is to be delivered by”, if the shipment is in a status of “Picked Up” and is to be delivered.

  6. The address displayed is:

    1. the Pick Up address if the shipment is in a status of “Dispatched” aka “to be picked up”

    2. the Delivery address if the shipment is in a status of “Picked up” aka “to be delivered”

  7. Below the address is the Shipment ID.

  8. To the right of the address is the unique location barcode/id for the displayed address.


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