Please correct the time on your machine

The following article will help you with the login error of “Please correct the time on your machine”

Why do you see this error? By ensuring the time on your computer is accurate within 10 seconds, IDS can block hackers from trying to brute force your login credentials.

To fix this error, please do the following:

  1. click on the Windows Search icon located in the bottom left hand side of your Windows Desktop screen.


  2. Then type in the word “Time” and the click on “Change the date and time”


  3. Ensure “Set time automatically” and “Set time zone automatically” are turned “On”

  4. If they are turned “off”


  5. Then click the slider so that they are turned “On”


  6. The next step, regardless of if “Set time automatically” and “Set time zone automatically” was turned “On” or not, is to “Synchronize your clock”.

  7. Click on “Sync Now”


  8. When the sync has been successful, you will see a tick box beside “Sync now”


  9. You should now be able to login to IDS Core without the Time error.

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