Online Shipping - SHIP NOW SCREEN (IDS 1 Browser)

Online Shipping - SHIP NOW SCREEN (IDS 1 Browser)

This article will describe how you can use the online shipping browser http://reports.internetdispatcher.org:8080/ids/login.jsp

Step-by-step guide

1. Login, for steps to login refer to this article Online Shipping - LOGIN SCREEN (IDS 1 Browser)

2. After logging in you will be brought to the main screen, click Ship now

2. Ship now screen 

3. On this screen you will see Pickup Info and Desination Info, 

4. Select the drop down under Pickup Info and click "- Select Address -". Do the same for other side, Destination Info. 

5. After selecting address, you will notice the fields already have information associated with the addresses.

6. You could also manually add address and make changes to them, please refer to article Online Shipping - EDITING ADDRESS IN SHIP NOW SCREEN (IDS 1 Browser)

7. After you have all your information filled in and the way you like, click estimate now

8. After clicking estimate you will be brought to the estimate screen