How to Install IDS HTML5

How to Install IDS HTML5


This app does work on the iphone. However, the iPhone's does not allow app developer's access to the phone's operating system (iOS) in such a way that we can guarantee that our app will receive all shipments, all the time and in timely manner. To be clear, this is a decision by Apple and no developer can work around it. Until Apple does allow this, we cant support the use of iPhones for same city/same day on demand shipments. For long haul, warehouse, cross dock shipments, the iPhone may reasonable work.

Our HTML5 will work on any phone and on any platform as long as the phone has a modern browser that supports HTML5.

Do note, some phone screens maybe too small or the phone manufacture, such as apple and the iphone, is purposefully blocking some functionality. 

On the phone you wish to use, open up the browser and go to http://reports.internetdispatcher.org/html5/