How to Import Shipments into IDS Route

How to Import Shipments into IDS Route

This article explains how to import shipments into IDS so that they can be optimized.

IDS Route is our Route Optimization Software which can be operated as a stand Client or plugged into IDS Core.

As such, features with (IDS Core) beside them mean you must be connected to IDS Core for these features to work.

Table Contents

How to Import Shipments from a file

How to Import Shipments from the Dispatch Board (IDS Core)

How to Import Shipments from the Drivers Board (IDS Core)

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How to Import Shipments from a File

After accessing IDS Route, please do the following steps.

  1. From the IDS Route Menu

  2. Select “Imports”

  3. This will open the Import Shipment Pop Up

Required File Import

The file that will be imported must be a CSV file.

To export an Excel Document as a CSV file, please see this article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/import-or-export-text-txt-or-csv-files-5250ac4c-663c-47ce-937b-339e391393ba

The file format is as follows:

The file import will have the following format (red are required fields):

Account – (customer account) Must match an existing Account in IDS Core.

Reference – (shipment reference) if more than 1 shipment, in the import file, has the same reference in the reference field, then it is the same shipment.

Caller Name (Caller Name)    

Caller Phone (Caller Phone)

Caller Email (Caller Email)

PU Company Name (Pick Up - Address Company). If the Company Name doesn’t exist for the customer account IDS will create a new address. But if the “PU Location Bcode” in the import file matches an existing address then existing address will be updated.

PU Contact (Pick Up – Address Contact Name Company).

PU Phone (Pick Up – Address Contact Phone)

PU Location Bcode (Pick Up - Address Location Barcode) – if this matches an existing address location barcode, then the existing address record will be updated with the import file details.

PU Suite (Pick Up – Address Suite)

PU Street (Pick Up – Address Street)

PU City  (Pick Up – Address City)

PU Prov/State (Pick Up – Address Prov/State)

PU Country (Pick Up – Address Country)

PU Postal/Zip (Pick Up – Address Zip/PostalCode)

PU Notes (shipments pick up notes)

DEL Company Name (Delivery - Address Company). If the Company Name doesn’t exist for the customer account IDS will create a new address. But if the “PU Location Bcode” in the import file matches an existing address then existing address will be updated.

DEL Contact  (Delivery – Address Contact Name Company)

DEL Phone (Delivery – Address Contact Phone) 

DEL Location Bcode (Delivery - Address Location Barcode) – if this matches an existing address location barcode, then the existing address record will be updated with the import file details.

DEL Suite (Delivery – Address Suite)        

DEL Street (Delivery  – Address Street)

DEL City (Delivery  – Address City)

DEL Prov/State (Delivery – Address Prov/State)

DEL Country (Delivery – Address Country)

DEL Postal/Zip (Delivery – Address Zip/PostalCode)

DEL Notes  (shipments Delivery notes)

Service Level (Shipment Service Level)  - must match an existing service.

Ready By (shipment Ready Time) format will be: 01/01/0001 12:00 AM +00. If blank, then the time will be when the shipment was imported.           

Due By  (shipment Due Time) format will be: 01/01/0001 12:00 AM +00. If blank, then the time will be when the shipment was imported.

Package (Shipment Package Type)  - must match an existing package type.

Piece (shipment Piece)

Weight (shipment Weight)

Length  (package’s length)

Width    (package’s width)

Height   (package’s height)

Driver/Route (shipments driver assignment) – Not Required. But its very helpful.

An example file can be download from here:

How to Import the File

To import a file, please do the following:

  1. From the Shipment Import pop up

  2. Click on “Browse”

  3. This will open the Windows File Browser pop up


  4. Navigate and find the file you wish to import.

  5. When you have found the file, click on the file, then click “Open”.

  6. You will now see your file in the “Selected File Name” field

  7. Then click on the “Import” button

  8. Once the import has completed you will see the results

  9. If there are any issues or failures, they will appear in the window. Failures can include:

    1. Service Level doesnt exist. You will need to either change the Service Level in the file to match an existing service level as is found in IDS or create the Service Level in IDS.

    2. Package Type doesnt exist. You will need to either change the Package type in the file to match an existing service level as is found in IDS or create the Package Type in IDS.

    3. Account doesnt exist. You will need to change the account in the file to match an existing account as is found in IDS or create the account in IDS.

    4. Once you have made your fixes you can:

      1. remove successfully imported shipments from your file.

      2. then re-import you file.

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How to Import Shipments from the Dispatch Board (IDS Core)

On a Dispatch Board, please do the following:

  1. Select the shipment(s) you wish to be Route Optimized.

  2. Then right click your mouse.

  3. And select “Route Shipments”


  4. These shipments will now be displayed across the bottom the Route tab

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How to Import Shipments from the Drivers Board (IDS Core)

On a Drivers Board, please do the following:

  1. Select the shipment(s) you wish to be Route Optimized.

  2. Then right click your mouse.

  3. And select “Route Shipments”


  4. These shipments will now be displayed across the bottom the Route tab

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