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Pickup/Delivery Sections




 Most buttons have an associated hotkey indicated by an underline. Press and hold the Alt key and tap the underlined letter to perform that button's function.

HotKeyEquivalent ButtonFunction
"Alt+N"Create a new trip (assigns a new trip ID)
''Alt+U''Update trip 

saves all changes

''Alt+C'' Calculate trip 

does not save changes (preview)

''Alt+A'' Find account 

look up a trip by itS trip ID

''Alt+L'' Clone trip creates a new trip with same details
''Alt+F'' Find trip 

find a trip by its trip ID

''Alt+R'' Clear

de-selects trip and clears all input boxes

''Alt+T'' Calculator

launches Windows calculator

''Alt+S'' Schedule trip 

schedule a trip to be recurring

''Alt+D''Auditshow the audit trailfor current trip

also called "super tab", move cursor to next ''section''

''Alt+1'' Jump to the Billing Section
''Alt+2'' Jump to the PickUp Section
''Alt+3'' Jump to the Delivery Section
''Alt+4'' Jump to the Package Section
''Alt+5'' Jump to the Charges Section
''Alt+6'' Jump to the PickUp Notes Field
''Alt+7'' Jump to the Weight Field
''Alt+8'' Jump to the Services Dropdown