How to Edit a Schedule Shipment

How to Edit a Schedule Shipment

This article will describe how you can edit an existing re-occurring scheduled shipment that is located in the Schedule Screen.

Please Note:
If the Scheduled Shipment starts with a R,D,S or E, for example E123456789012, then you need to login on the east server.
If the Scheduled Shipment starts with a U, for example U123456789012, then you need to login on the west server. 

We are aware that it does take a few extra steps to edit a schedule trip. We did this to make sure that an user is fully aware that they are editing a scheduled shipment. Unfortunately a few users accidentally altered Scheduled Shipments which caused a few real issues for customers. 

Step-by-step guide

In IDS's PC Client

  1. Go to the "Scheduling Screen."
  2. Scroll to the bottom of this screen and click on the "Refresh" button.

  3. Your Scheduled Shipments will now appear. If you still can't see the Schedule Shipment you need to edit, click the "Alternate Scheduler" button.

  4. If you still cant find your Schedule Shipment, then login on the other IDS server. For example, if you are currently logged in on the West Server, then login on the East Server. 
  5. Double click on the Scheduled Shipment you wish to edit:
  6. This will open the shipment up in Trip Entry.
  7. If your change is for Addresses, Notes, Package Type, Service level then make the needed changes and press "Update Trip"
  8. If that is the only change you need completed, then you are done.
  9. IF you need to make changes to the days of the week or month the scheduled shipment is triggered, change the trigger time and/or change the "Auto Assign to route" setting then continue.
  10. Click on the "Clone Trip" Button:
  11. Click on the "Schedule Trip" button.
  12. press "ok"
  13. You will now be back in the Scheduling Screen

  14. You will see your Shipment ID in the Trip ID field, if you do not, then you have done something incorrect and you need to start again.
    Please note, because you clicked "Clone Trip" in point 10 above, this will be a new Trip ID.

  15. Now make any changes you need to the days of the week or month the scheduled shipment is triggered, change the trigger time and/or change the "Auto Assign to route" setting.
  16. Then press the "Add" button.
  17.  Now in the bottom of the screen, located the old Schedule Shipment and click once to highlight it.
  18. Then press the "Remove" button on the bottom of the screen.