Driver Portal

Driver Portal

This article explains how to use the driver portal.

Table of Contents

How to Login
How to Create a Driver Estimate
How to Read the Driver Estimate
How to Use the Map

How to Login

To login to the Driver Portal please do the following.

  1. On your internet browser, please go to: portal.idsroute.com

  2. Then click on the 2 horizontal bars located in the top left hand side of the screen

  3. Then click on “Sign In”

  4. This will bring you to the Sign In screen

  5. Enter in your own unique sign in details

  6. You will now be signed into the Driver Portal.

If you see “Invalid Credentials” displayed on the screen, then please do the following:

  1. Erase everything you have typed into each field.

  2. Carefully and slowly retype in your credentials.

  3. Ensure you have the capitalization correct. It is case sensitive.

  4. Then click “Sign In” again.

  5. If it still doesn't fix your login issue, please contact your company’s support team and have them check your username and password as is contained in IDS Core’s Staff Screen : How to Manage Staff Members

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How to Create a Driver Estimate

Please Note. The generated report is an estimate. Your final pay amount could be different.

To generate a Driver Estimate, please do the following.

  1. Click on the 3 horizontal bars, located in the top left hand side of the screen.

  2. Then click on “Driver Estimate”

  3. The Driver Estimate Screen will appear

  4. Click on the “From Date” and select the date you wish the report to start

  5. Then select on the “To Date” and select the date you wish the report to end.

  6. Then click on the green magnifying glass.

  7. Your Driver Estimate Report will then appear

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How to Read the Driver Estimate

To Read the Driver Estimate, please read the following.

  1. The generated report will display each routed Sweep, Stat or Multistat in a single section.

  2. On the right hand side of each section you will see a column labelled “Dist”

  3. This is a breakdown of the mileage between each stop

  4. Beside that you will see another column labelled “Estimate”

  5. This contains the pay estimate breakdown between each stop

  6. Each section also contains a subtotal. You will find this along the bottom

  7. On the bottom of the screen you will see the Total of the Estimate for the Date Range Selected.

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How to Use the Map

To use the map on the driver estimate screen, please do the following

  1. Click on the black bar across the top of one of the sections.

  2. The map located on the right hand of the screen will then populate with the optimized route.

  3. You will see a step by step breakdown located below the map.

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