Drivers GPS Map

Drivers GPS Map

Table of Contents

How to Open a Drivers GPS Map Tab
How to Map Driver(s) - Simple
Show a Driver's Current-Day History
How to Filter/Find Drivers Username and Checkbox
How to Save/Create/Load/Remove a Drivers List
How to Map Shipment(s)
How to Show a Live Traffic Feed on the Map.
How to Move and Zoom the Map.
How to Show Different Map Layers
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How to Open a Drivers GPS Map Tab

  1. Select "Dispatch" from the menu drop-down.

  2. Then click on "Drivers Map".

  3. This will open a new Drivers GPS Map Tab.

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How to Map Driver(s) - Simple

To show a driver's last known GPS location, please do the following:

  1. Ensure that “Show Driver” is checked in the “Select driver(s) for the Map” section.

  2. Then tick the tick box beside the driver(s) you wish to see on the map.

  3. The driver(s) location will now appear on the map located on the righthand side of the screen.

  4. The last known GPS location is indicated by the vehicle icon.

  5. To the right of the vehicle icon you will see a black box.

    1. The top label is the username of the driver

    2. Below that is the number of shipments (t) currently assigned to the driver

    3. Below that is the total weight of all shipments (w) currently assigned to the driver

    4. Below that is the total number of all pieces (p) of all shipments currently assigned to the driver

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Show a Drivers Current Day History

  1. To see the driver a driver's route travelled during the current work day, tick the “Show Driver’s Route” tick box located in the “Select driver(s) for the Map” section

  2. The drivers route for the current work day will be displayed in red on the map

  3. To find a driver

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How to Filter/Find Drivers Username and Checkbox

If you have a number of drivers, you can use the following two tips to quickly find a driver.

Tip 1.

You can hide all drivers from the driver list who dont have any shipments assigned to them. This is perfect for hiding drivers that are currently not working.

  1. In the Select Drivers Section, tick the “Only Show Drivers with Trips” tick box

  2. Then your list of drivers will filter to only show those with assigned shipments.

Tip 2.

You can type in the first few characters of your driver(s) to filter you list.

  1. Above the list of your drivers you will see the “Filter Drivers” field.

  2. Start typing the first few characters of the driver(s) you are looking for and you will see your list filter for just drivers with those characters.

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How to Save/Create/Load/Remove a Drivers List


To create a group of drivers so that you can quickly load them onto your map, please do the following:

  1. Tick the tick box beside the list of drivers you wish save to your group.

  2. Then click the “Selected” tab


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How to Map Shipment(s).

To see your driver’s shipments' Pick Up and/or Delivery Addresses, please do the following:

  1. In the “Select driver(s) for the Map” section, click on “Show Shipments”

  2. To show the drivers shipments' Pick Up Addresses, make sure that “Pickups” is ticked

  3. To show the drivers shipments' Delivery Addresses, make sure that “Deliveries” is ticked

  4. On the map, Pick Up addresses will show with a yellow pin

    1. The top part of the label is the shipment id

    2. The “W” shows the weight of the shipment at that location.

    3. The “P” shows the total piece count of the shipment at that location.

    4. The “S” shows the Service Level of the shipment at that location.

  5. On the map, Delivery addresses will show with a blue pin

    1. The top part of the label is the shipment id

    2. The “W” shows the weight of the shipment at that location.

    3. The “P” shows the total piece count of the shipment at that location.

    4. The “S” shows the Service Level of the shipment at that location.

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How to Show a Live Traffic Feed on the Map.

To show a live traffic feed on your map, please do the following:

  1. Tick the “Show Traffic” box located across the top of the map

  2. Roads are marked with the following color coding:

    1. Green means the traffic on this road is travelling normally.

    2. Yellow means the traffic on this road is travelling a bit slower than normal.

    3. Light red means the traffic on this road is travelling significantly slower than normal.

    4. Dark red means the traffic on this road is at a standstill or moving extremely slowly.

  3. You will also see different hazard markings.

    1. Red means there is Serious Road warning

    2. Yellow means there is a Minor Road warning

    3. If you click on a hazard icon, you can learn more:

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How to Move and Zoom the Map.

To move the map around, please do the following.

  1. Place your mouse cursor onto the map.

  2. Then hold down your mouse’s left button.

  3. While moving your mouse around.

To zoom in and out of the map, you have 2 options.

Option 1:

  1. Using the icons located in the top right hand side of the map

  2. Click on the + symbol to zoom in

  3. Click on the - symbol to zoom out

Option 2:

  1. Place your mouse cursor onto the map.

  2. If your mouse is equipped with a scrolling wheel

    1. Scroll towards the screen to zoom in.

    2. Scroll away from the screen to zoom out.

  3. You will notice that the map zooms in or out based on where you have placed your mouse cursor.

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How to Show Different Map Layers

To select a different map layer, please do the following:

  1. Click on the layer dropdown menu located on the top right hand side of the map. Default layer is “road”

  2. This will open up the different layers available for the map

  3. Then select the layer you wish to use.

  4. Remember, to return back to the default map layer, select “road”

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