Navigate to the Users Tab

How to Add a User

Step-by-step guide

  1. Using the text fields in the Create/Edit Users area fill out what is required.
  2. You can choose the Authorization of the user you are creating with the "Authorization" dropdown.
  3. Then enter the required user information
  4. If the User needs to have any contact information provided fill in the phone, email, and/or cell fields
  5. Enable this user account with the "Is Enabled" checkbox
  6. When you are finished creating the user press the "Add/Update" button to save the account.

How to Edit a User

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select a user from the "Users" area to the left of the Users screen
  2. Press the "Edit" button
  3. You can now edit all the fields of that user
  4. When you are finished creating the user press the "Add/Update" button to save the account.

How to Delete a User

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select a user from the "Users" area to the left of the Users screen
  2. Press the "Delete" button