In this article we will describe how create a service level.
If you wish to edit an existing Service Level, please read this article:
Please Note: Every client will have set up IDS or will need to set up IDS in their own unique way. There is no Industry Standards for service levels.
- Logged into IDS's PC Client as an Admin, locate the Wizard Dropdown in the top left hand side of the IDS PC Client.
- If you dont see "Wizard", then you are not logged in as an "admin"
- Select Rate Wizard
- You will now see this screen press the next button.
- You will now be in the Service Level Screen, that may look like this:
- Depending on your set up with IDS, you may not see the "Valid for selected packages (select none to ignore package)" This is a free no charge option that you can implement, if you would like to have this option turned on please email
- To create your new Service Level, type in the new Service Level's name into the "Service Level" field
- Ignore the "Del Hrs:" box.
- If you want this Service Level not to appear on IDS's Online Shipping Tools screen (This is where your customer go to a website and enter in a new shipment) after a certain time, then enter in that cut off time using the 24 hour clock into the "Cutoff Hrs (eg:1300 = 1pm)" field.