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This artilce article will describe how you can create and edit your Zone to Zip - Postal Code Relationships. If you need to edit your

To continue with this article, you MUST have already created your zones. To create or edit Zones, please see this article: How to Create Edit Zones


Since we will building a relationship between our Shipment's Zip - Postal Codes and Zones, you can use the following resources to map your zones:


Australian Postal Code Maps

Step-by-step guide

 How to Create a New relationship between Zone to Zip - Postal Codes

  1. Logged into IDS's PC Client as an Admin, locate the Wizard Dropdown in the top left hand side of the IDS PC Client.

  2. If you don't see "Wizard", then you are not logged in as an "admin."
  3. Click on the "Zone Wizard"
  4. You will now see this screen.
  5. Locate and press the "Next" button 1 time.
  6. You will now see a screen that looks like this.
  7. From this screen you can import a file that contains the relationship between Zone Zones to Zip Zips - Postal Codes.

    This file needs to be a Text File , .txt.
    This file needs to be: Postal Code/Zip:Zone. For Example, V7R 3P1:NVan or 90210:BHill
    One line of the file will contain only 1 relationship between Zone to Zip - Postal Codes
    The delimiter must be a full colon : Comma , will not work. 
    The Zones in the file MUST be already created. Zones are Case Sensitive. To create zones, please see this article: How to Create Edit Zones
  8. If you don't wish to import a file, press the "Next" button 1 time.
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  9. Your screen will now look something like this (You will have different Zones):
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  10. To create a new relationship between Zones to Zips - Postal Codes, click the "Add Row"

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  11.  This will add a blank row in the main section of the pop up.
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  12. Double click in the new blank row in the Postal Code Column, then type in your postal code -  zip.
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    If your pop up re-sorts and you can no longer see your blank row, click on the "Zone" column head to re-sort so that the blank row is back on top.

  13. Double click in the new blank row in the "Zone" Column, then type in the Zone. REMEMBER: Your zones must have already been created. Zones are Case Sensitive.
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  14. Then click anywhere else in the Zone Wizard Screen.
  15. Repeat as needed for every new Zone to Zip - Postal Code relationship.
  16. When done, click "Finish"
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  17. If you see an error similar to this: 
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  18. That is because the Zone doesn't exist. REMEMBER: Your zones must have already been created. Zones are Case Sensitive.
  19. To fix this error, click on a relationship that uses the Zone the error is referring to, in our example above, it is "Vaughan". 
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  20. Then right click, so you see this:
    Image Added

  21. Then select "remove"
  22. Repeat until all bad zones have been removed.

How to use the Zone Matrix Pop Up

  1. By clicking either column heads of "Postal Code" or "Zone", you can sort this list of relationships between Zones to Zips - Postal Codes.
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  2. You can search and filter for either a Zone or a Zip - Postal Codes, by typing into the "Filter" field.
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  3. You can also right click anywhere in the list of of relationships between Zones to Zips - Postal Codes to access the right click menu.
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When a customer calls into your office, to order a shipment, they may not know the postal code - zip of either the pick up and/or the delivery addresses. To handle this, create a Zone to Zip - Postal Code relationship where the Postal Code - Zip is a zone.

For example:
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This will mean, when a customer calls in a new shipment and they dont know the postal code - zip for either the pick and/or delivery address, then the Call Taker can enter in the Zone into the Postal Code - Zip field in the Pick Up and/or Delivery Address Sections.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ("zone","price","rate","shipment") and type = "page" and space = "IKPLB"
labelszone rate shipment price
